Match Announcement
07/06/18 09:36
SAKC Sponsored Match
September 9, 2019 at Bluebonnet Bunk'n Biscuit, Times and registration info to follow soon!
Bluebonnet Bunk'n Biscuit 16302
North IH-35, Selma TX 78154
September 9, 2019 at Bluebonnet Bunk'n Biscuit, Times and registration info to follow soon!
Bluebonnet Bunk'n Biscuit 16302
North IH-35, Selma TX 78154
10/12/12 17:06
Thank you to all who participated in the B-Match held at Bluebonnet Bunk ’n Biscuit on June 24, 2012. We’d like to especially thank our own Robert Stein for synchronizing the efforts of the club members and making sure we had a great turnout and wonderful event overall.
Match Annoucement
01/08/10 18:59
SAKC Sponsored Match
September 26, 2010 at Lady Bird Johnson Park in San Antonio.
The San Antonio Kennel Club in conjunction with the Responsible Pet Owners Alliance (RPOA) will sponsor a Match on September 26, 2010 at Lady Bird Johnson Park on Nacogdoches Road in San Antonio.