Election 2010


Election 2010

The San Antonio Kennel Club held their annual election dinner tonight at the Barn Door Restaurant in San Antonio. This annual event allows the members at large to elect eleven members of the Board of Directors. The Board then meets to decide on the primary club officers.

This year the eleven members of the SAKC Board of Directors are:

President: Col. Joe Purkhiser
1st Vice President: Robert McLean
2nd Vice President: Joni Kahn
3rd Vice President: Carol McLean
Treasurer: Marilynn Ellis
Secretary: Marcia Sherman

Members of the Board Include; Dr. Jim Sherman, Harold Kohlman, Dorothy Kohlman, Martine Theurer, and Tracy Potts.

Congratulations to our new board members who will lead the club into its next 100 years of service. Thanks to all of our members who participated in the election.